Conservation status
This species is Red-listed according
to Birds of Conservation Concern in Ireland 2020-2026 and is of high
conservation value as a result.
The latest IUCN Red List
assessment of this species (2018) lists it as a species of ‘Least Concern’ on a
global scale but population trends are unknown.
Species Biology
This small member of the Grebe
family can be identified by its black head and neck with golden-yellow feathers
on the side of its face (behind the eye) sitting on top of a mostly black body
with the exception of the burnt orange-brown underparts.
The forehead runs at a steep
angle, giving the impression that the head feathers end in a peak.
Can be mistaken for Slavonian
Grebes during the winter (adults) but has a darker throat and a smaller white
patch under the eye.
A typical Black-necked Grebe
stands at approximately 28-34 cm with a wingspan of 56-60 cm and can weigh
anywhere from 250-360 grams. The male typically
weighs more than the female along this weight range.
This species mainly feeds on
invertebrates such as insects, small fish and some crustaceans.
Historically bread in
well-vegetated lakes on the western part of Ireland.
Where breeding is feasible for
this species, a clutch of 3-4 eggs weighing approximately 21 grams are laid.
These eggs are incubated for a period of 20-22 days.
World distribution(GBIF)
Irish distribution
No longer breeds in Ireland. Some
winter visitors visit south eastern parts of Ireland.
Temporal change
Records submitted to Data Centre in 2025
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Further information
BirdWatch Ireland:
The Royal Society for the
Protection of Birds:
British Trust for Ornithology:
IUCN Red List: