
Ficaria verna | Lesser Celandine | Grán arcáin



Native status


Species Biology


  • Lesser Celandine is one of our earliest flowering plants. It can be found from December – May
  • The yellow flowers have 8-12 narrow, shiny petals
  • It has distinctive, dark-green, heart-shaped leaves 
  • It is a hairless perennial

Lesser Celandine is an important source of food for pollinators (especially solitary bees) early in spring.


Lesser Celandine grows in woods, along hedgerows, roadsides and by rivers.


World distribution(GBIF)

Temporal change

Records submitted to Data Centre in 2025

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How can you help

This species is included in our spring flowering plants project. If you see the species please submit your sighting. All information is very valuable.

Full list of species included in the spring flowering plants project:

  1. Bluebell
  2. Common Dog-violet
  3. Cowslip
  4. Early Dog-violet
  5. Early-purple Orchid
  6. Lady’s smock (Cuckooflower)
  7. Lesser Celandine
  8. Lords-and Ladies
  9. Primrose
  10. Toothwort
  11. Wild Garlic
  12. Winter Heliotrope
  13. Wood Anemone
  14. Wood Sorrel
  15. Coltsfoot
  16. Three-cornered Garlic

Further information

This species is included in the spring flowering plants project which is a collaboration between the National Biodiversity Data Centre and the BSBI. It is hoped we can collect valuable data to improve our knowledge of the current distribution of some common plants. All data will be fully validated by both partners before loading to Biodiversity Maps and being made available to the BSBI.
