
Ectemnius (Metacrabro) cephalotes



Conservation status

Not Assessed

Species Biology


  • Body length: 9-17mm (females are our largest Ectemnius)
  • Head black with silvery hairs on the face
  • Thorax primarily black, female with yellow collar and striking yellow spot (scutellum)
  • Abdomen black with yellow bands, sometimes broken in the centre
  • Easily confused with other Ectemnius, but only this species has silver facial hairs and an evenly-banded abdomen. For trickier specimens a microscope and specialist keys are recommended


Little is known of the precise habitat requirements in Ireland, but like other Ectemnius species, it can be found around dead wood in sunny woodland clearings, glades and sheltered gardens.

Flight period

Univoltine from early July-early September.

Nesting biology

In Ireland females have been observed nesting in dead wood in both shaded and sunlit settings. Nests are bored by the female and several cells are constructed adjacent to the main tunnel. Cells are deposited with paralysed hoverfly species before an egg is laid in each one. The egg soon hatches and the larva consumes the hoverflies before pupating and emerging as an adult the following year.

Flowers visited

This species has not been observed on flowers in Ireland, but possibly visits Apiaceae. 

Native region

Europe, North America, Temperate Asia

Similar species

  • Other Ectemnius species (see above)


World distribution(GBIF)

Temporal change

Records submitted to Data Centre in 2024

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How can you help

This species was only discovered in Ireland in 1998 and has been poorly recorded since Surveying suitable sites for this species and sending in your sightings to the NBDC would be greatly appreciated.



Colm Ronayne. 1998. Ectemnius cephalotes (Olivier) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), an aculeate wasp new to Ireland: pp 97-101

