Conservation status
Range | Favourable |
Population | Favourable |
Habitat | Inadequate |
Future Prospects | Favourable |
Overal Assessment of Conservation Status | Inadequate |
Overall Trend in Conservation Status | Improving |
Source: NPWS 2013.
IUCN Conservation Status* |
Ireland | Not evaluated |
Europe (1) | Not evaluated |
Global (1) | Not evaluated |
Source: (1) The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2 2014.
Sources: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2; Global Marine Species Assessment website.
Legal status
Protected by the following legal instruments:
- Habitats Directive [92/42/EEC] Annex V
- The Convention for the Protection of the marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR)
Native status
Species Biology
The identification of individual maërl bed forming species in the field may be fraught with difficulty as, depending on a range of environmental factors as well seasonality and growth stage, closely related species may look very dissimilar while more distantly related species may look very similar. With experience and knowledge of local factors identification to species level in the field may be possible. However de-calcification and microscopical examination may be necessary and in some cases examination under Scanning Electron Microscope may be recommended in order to resolve samples to species level.
- Lithothamnion corallioides is a red algae of the order Corallinales an order characterised, in part, by the laying down of calcite in the cell walls of vegetative cells.
- L. corallioides is included in the sub-family Melobesioideae, which is characterised, in part, by species with non-geniculate thalli.
- Microscopically, some cells within contiguous filaments in the thallus are joined by cell fusions rather than by secondary pit connections (i.e. pit connections formed between unrelated adult cells in contiguous filaments, not to be confused with primary pit connections formed between daughter cells of a dividing filament cell).
- Tetra-sporangial conceptacles are multi-porate and so far found only on crustose thalli (currently bi-sporangial and gametangial plants are unknown for Lithothamnion corallioides in Irish waters).
- Epithallial cells appear 'flared' in vertical section i.e. appearing drawn out at the top edges. This is also true of species in the genus Exilicrusta. That genus appears only to form thin, attached crusts and never the branched thallus form seen in Lithothamnion. Lithothamnion however can also occur in an attached crustose form.
- In this case Lithothamnion can be distinguished from Excilicrusta microscopically based on the thallus in Excilcursta species being dimerous, composed of a single layer each of basal and erect filaments. The thallus in Lithothamnion species are by contast monomerous with multi-layered 'medullary' filaments.
- Lithothamnion corallioides thalli most often occur in unattached, multi-branched form, which in Irish waters, is also true of Lithothamnion glaciale.
- Lithothamnion corallioides, when fresh, is a dull brown-pink, with an almost glossy, slightly bumpy surface and has rather brittle branches generally under 1mm in diameter.
- Lithothamnion glaciale however is often a richer pink, occasionally bluish-pink with a smoother, matt surface. Branches are more robust and somewhat club shaped and of varying thickness.
- In the field both can closely resemble Phymatolithon calcareum which is in the same sub-family but microscopically its epithallial cells appear rounded and un-winged in vertical section.
- P. calcareum is often a purple-brown when fresh, with a very matt surface, and robust branches that are generally over 1mm in diameter. Thallus surface may be slightly bumpy.
To be certain of identification microscopic examination is recommended.
Source: Irvine, Linda M. and Chamberlain, Yvonne M., 2011.
Habitats may include but are not necessarily limited to;
- Sea inlets and bays (MW2)
Source: NPWS 2013a; Fossitt, J.A. 2001.
In British and Irish waters only tetrasporangial conceptacles are known, and those only on crustose thalli. Tetraspores, as the name implies are spores produced in groups of four. Spore production occurs in enclosed 'conceptacles' or chambers which are located near the surface of the thallus with openings to allow the spores to be dispersed. Spores are presumed to be haploid, produced by meiosis.
Source: Irvine, Linda M. and Chamberlain, Yvonne M. 2011.
Threats faced
Fishing and harvesting aquatic resources | F02 | Medium |
Suspension culture | F01.02 | Low |
Intensive fish farming, intensification | F01.01 | Low |
Bottom culture | F01.03 | Low |
Nautical sports | G01.01 | Low |
Source: NPWS 2013.
There are as yet no IUCN Red List assessments available at a national, European or global level as yet (see Conservation Status above).
'Maërl beds' appear on the OSPAR List of Threatened and / or Declining Species and Habitats. In Irish waters Lithothamnion corallioides is a major component of such maërl beds. The following threats were listed in a Background Document prepared following the inclusion of 'Maërl beds' on the OSPAR list;
- Damage to the surface of beds by;
- heavy demersal fishing gear.
- pollution by inshore finfish and shellfish aquaculture operations.
- suction dredging for bivalves.
Increase in sediment loads and / or excessive growth of ephemeral species of macroalgae resulting from coastal construction and increases in agricultural and sewage discharges.
The E.U. funded BIOMAERL Project (1996-1999) listed a number of threats. These included the following;
Extraction | Very important | Direct |
Fishing trawl gears | Very important | Direct |
Aquaculture | Very important | Direct |
Direct effluent discharges | Very important | Direct |
Land reclamation | Very important | Direct |
Coastal structures | Very important | Direct |
Recreation | Important | Direct |
Alien species | Important | Direct |
Off-shore dumping | Possible | Indirect |
Source: BIOMAERL team, 2003.
Conservation actions
In the Article 17 Habitats Directive reporting for the period 2007-2012 no Conservation Measures in place or in the process of being implemented during the period were listed for this species.
There are as yet no IUCN Red List assessments available at an Irish, European or global level as yet (see Conservation Status above).
The E.U. funded BIOMAERL Project (1996-1999) suggested a number of conservation measure that may go some way to reversing declines in Maërl bed conservation status. These included the following;
- Apply higher conservation status to maerl habitats and maerl forming species in European legislation.
- Carry out of further research on maerl ecosystems.
- Recognise maerl beds as non-renewable resources that cannot sustain direct exploitation.
- Place prohibitions on the use of towed gear on maerl grounds.
- Place moratoria on the issue of further permits for the siting of aquaculture units above maerl grounds.
- Monitor existing exploited or impacted maerl beds.
- Designate ‘no-take’ reserves.
- Put in place measures to limit the impacts that might affect water quality above maerl beds.
- Discourage the mooring of fixed-cage aquaculture facilities for fin-fish or bivalve molluscs above maerl beds.
- Develop a programme of monitoring of the ‘health’ of European maerl beds.
- Develop an awareness campaign on the biological importance of maerl beds.
- Discourage the mooring of fixed-cage aquaculture facilities for fin-fish or bivalve molluscs above maerl beds.
- Ensure that statutory environmental quality standards require existing mariculture facilities over maerl grounds to monitor impacts on the maerl ecosystem .
- Discourage permanent anchorages over maerl beds.
Source: BIOMAERL team, 2003.
World distribution(GBIF)
Mainly western European distribution. Most records from Ireland and Britain. Records also from Norway and Denmark, France, and Portugal. Most records are from Atlantic coastal areas, but records also from the Mediterranean coasts of France and Spain.
Accuracy of world distribution shown in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) map below will be constrained by, amongst other factors, data held but not shared by countries and organizations not participating in the GBIF.
Irish distribution
Most records are from counties with Atlantic coastlines, principally Cork, Kerry, Galway and Donegal.
Temporal change
Records submitted to Data Centre in 2025
The following map is interactive. If you would prefer to view it full screen then click here.
How can you help
The National Biodiversity Data Centre is trying to improve our knowledge on the distribution of Coral Maërl (Lithothamnion corallioides) in Ireland. Should you observe this species, please submit sightings to add to the database. Detailed observations will assist us gaining a better insight into where the species is most abundant in Ireland and we might also be able to detect regional variations. Please submit any sightings and photographs at:
All records submitted online can be viewed on Google Maps – once checked and validated these will be added to the database and made available for conservation and research.
Further information
For further information contact Dr. Liam Lysaght
BIOMAERL team, 2003. Conservation and management of N.E Atlantic and
Mediterranean maerl beds. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 13 (S1): 65-76
Grave S., Fazakerley H. , Kelly L. , Guiry M. D., Ryan M., & Walshe
J. 2000. A Study of Selected Maërl Beds in Irish Waters and their
Potential for Sustainable Extraction. Marine Institute.
Hall-Spencer, Jason M., Kelly John, Maggs, Christine A. 2010. Background Document for Maërl Beds. Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government.
Irvine, Linda M. and Chamberlain, Yvonne M. 2011. Seaweeds of the British Isles, Volume I Rhodophyta Part 2B Corallinales, Hildenbrandiales. Pelagic Press.
JNCC 2013. The UK Approach to Assessing Conservation Status for the 2013 EU Habitats Directive Article 17 Reporting. JNCC, Peterborough.
NPWS 2013. The Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland. Species Assessments Volume 3. Version 1.0. Unpublished Report, National Parks & Wildlife Services. Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Dublin, Ireland.
NPWS 2013a The Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland. Habitat Assessments Volume 2. Version 1.1. Unpublished Report, National Parks & Wildlife Services. Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Dublin, Ireland.
Relevant links
Additional comments
Lithothamnion corallioides is one of a number of species of calcified red seaweeds that contribute to the formation of extensive beds made up of dead and living thalli of these seaweeds. The species are collectively termed maërl. The sometimes extensive beds, which are intermingled with non-living substrate along with other biota, may be considered a habitat of a type. Although maërl beds are not specifically listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive, which deals with habitats, inclusion of Phymatolithon calcareum and Lithothamnion corallioides in Annex V offers some degree of de facto protection to the habitat type.
Additionally the broader habitat type in which both maërl species and maërl beds occur coincide with habitat types listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive.