Legal status
Regulated invasive species of Union concern under the European Regulation on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species [1143/2014].
Invasive species - risk of High Impact
Irish status
Occasionally present, casual, vagrant, migratory
Introduction pathways - 1
Transport Stowaway
Introduction pathways subclass - 1
Hitchhikers on ship/boat
Introduction pathways - 2
Release in Nature
Introduction pathways subclass - 2
Biological control, Release in nature for use
Invasive score
NAPRA Ireland risk assessed
Species Biology
Commensal omnivorous colonial crow. Slim build with long neck and large beak. Plumage is black except for a collar of grey around the back of the head and neck and upper breast. Males are slightly larger (GISD, 2015).
Species is entirely commensal. All known populations live with humans (Marchant, 2012). Omnivorous and eats fruit, seeds, insects, carrion, smaller birds, mammals, eggs, reptiles and human refuse. Refuse forms the main part of its diet (Feare & Mungroo, 1989). Predates chicks and eggs of other species and so poses a risk to a number of native species (Ryall, 1992) and may have implications for free-range poultry and game birds (NNSS, 2011). It is reported to damage arable crops such as maize in much of its introduced range (Ryall, 1992). Displaces native species through competition and aggression (Ryall, 1992). This social bird roosts communally with huge numbers in established populations. They are regarded as a pest due to the noise of the colonies and the risk to human health posed by the large quantities of faecal matter (NNSS, 2011). They carry eight intestinal diseases that affect humans including Salmonella and enteropathic Escherichia coli (Ryall, 1992) though this has rarely been observed.
Nests April to June in its native range (GISD, 2015). Builds a stick nest in trees. Clutches contain 4-5 eggs though this may be less in more Northerly latitudes (NNSS, 2011). Eggs are speckled and streaked pale blue/green. Both parents incubate the eggs and feed the young (GISD, 2015).
Pathway and vector description
Main pathway into Europe is as a stowaway on ships and boats (GISD, 2015). Was introduced deliberately to some countries for pest control and to clean up refuse in cities (GISD, 2015). Once established it can spread by flight though spread may be slow as the species is sedentary (NNSS, 2011).
Mechanism of impact
Competition, Predation, Disease transmission
Management approach
Eradication is only possible if undertaken when numbers are low and range is restricted (NNSS, 2011). However, it is highly resistant to eradication due to its intelligence, high reproductive capacity, competitive ability and opportunistic feeding behaviour (GISD, 2015).
Pick up any stowaways quickly before they have a chance to disperse. Keep the city environment clean (GISD, 2015).
Destruction of nests, eggs and chicks. Shooting and trapping don't prove very successful due to the bird's intelligence. However, shooting may be useful for a small number of birds.
Controlled poisoning following a period of pre-baiting has been successful if there is an accompanying clean-up of refuse (GISD, 2015). It is time and labour intensive tracking down survivors but this must be done if long-term results are to be achieved (GISD, 2015).
Broad environment
Habitat description
Any area of human habitation, particularly coastal and where refuse is allowed to accumulate.
Species group
Native region
Temperate Asia, Tropical Asia
World distribution(GBIF)
Has established in at least 20 non-native countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. In Europe it is currently only in the Netherlands (NNSS, 2011).
Native distribution
China, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Iran, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Thailand (Marchant, 2012).
Temporal change
Records submitted to Data Centre in 2024
The following map is interactive. If you would prefer to view it full screen then click here.
European Commission. (2017). Invasive Alien Species of Union Concern. European Union, Luxembourg.
Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) (2015). Species profile Corvus splendens. Site accessed 27 September 2017.
Ryall, C. 1992. Predation and harassment of native bird species by the Indian House Crow Corvus splendens, in Mombasa, Kenya. Scopus 16(1): 1-8. Site accessed 27 September 2017.
Feare; Mungroo (1989) Notes on the house crow (Corvus splendens) in Mauritius. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club,109 (4) pp 199-201. Site accessed 27 September 2017.
Non-native Species Secretariat (NNSS). (2011). Corvus splendens – Indian House Crow. Risk Assessment (risk assessment prepared for Great Britain). Site accessed 27 September 2017.
Non-native Species Secretariat (NNSS). (undated). Species Description – House crow. Identification sheet. Site accessed 27 September 2017.
Marchant, J (2012) Indian House crow, Corvus splendens. Factsheet. Non-native Species Secretariat (NNSS) Site accessed 27 September 2017.
Relevant links
Additional comments
A lone crow was recorded in Dunmore East, Co. Waterford in 1974 where it survived for 5 years.