Conservation status
Not Assessed
Species Biology
- Body length: 8-12mm, Males smaller than females
- Primarily black with four or five or six yellow bands
- Females with yellow spots on the face, males with an entirely yellow face
- First yellow band of abdomen expanded at the sides, particularly so in females
- Legs yellow and black
- Easily confused with other Ancistrocerus species, particularly Ancistrocerus gazella. The use of a microscope and specialist keys are required for identification.
Poorly known, although records suggest some association with urban and suburban areas, such as parks and gardens.
Flight period
Univoltine, flying from May-August.
Nesting biology
Nests have been observed inside buildings constructed in various crevices. It also likely uses empty plant stems here as it does in Britain, such as Elder or Bramble stems. Several cells are constructed in each nest in which small lepidopteran larvae are placed for the developing wasp larvae to feed on (small green Geometrid larvae have been observed in Ireland). The wasp larvae will then pupate before emerging as adults the following year.
Flowers visited
Unknown in Ireland, but likely visits Hogweed and Bramble as in other Ancistrocerus species.
Similar species
- Other Ancistrocerus species (see above)
- Symmorphus bifasciatus
- Odynerus spinipes
World distribution(GBIF)
Temporal change
Records submitted to Data Centre in 2024
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