Conservation status
Least Concern
Species Biology
- Small sized solitary species (7-9mm)
- Long flight period, March - September (two generations per year)
- Thorax black with few hairs
- Abdomen black with few hairs
- Males generally smaller than females, with hairier faces
Common and found in a range of habitats, including parks and gardens.
Flight period
Nesting biology
Ground nesting (sandy/lime soil)
Flowers visited
Polylectic: Acer, Anthriscus, Heracleum, Aegopodium, Angelica, Tussilago, Achillea, Taraxacum, Crepis, Brassica, Sinapis, Stellaria, Sedum, Origanum, Ranunculus, Potentilla, Malus, Prunus, Fragaria, Rubus
World distribution(GBIF)
Almost all of Europe, northwards to 60ºN
Temporal change
Records submitted to Data Centre in 2025
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Conservation status: FitzPatrick Ú., Murray T.E., Byrne A., Paxton
R.J., Brown M.J.F. (2006) Regional Red List of Irish Bees, Publ. Rep. to
National Parks and Wildlife Service (Ireland) and Environment and Heritage
Service (N. Ireland).
Flowers visited & World distribution: Westrich, P. (1989) Die Wildbienen
Baden-Württembergs. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, Germany.