Conservation status
Not Assessed
Species Biology
- Body length: 7.5 - 11.5mm
- Head black in colour
- Thorax predominantly black with yellow markings on the collar
- Abdomen black with yellow markings
- Legs black and yellow in colour
- Could be confused with Crossocerus quadrimaculatus, Crabro peltarius and Ectemnius species
A variety of habitats are used, including sand quarries, woodland edges and margins, along river courses and in scrubby grassland.
Flight period
Univoltine between late May and September.
Nesting biology
Nests solitarily or in loose aggregations in a variety of settings including partially shaded sand banks, dead or decaying wood or in loose mortar. Each burrow will have several cells deposited with paralysed flies (particularly Rhagio species) which will eaten by the developing larvae.
Flowers visited
Unknown in Ireland.
Similar species
- Crossocerus quadrimaculatus
- Crabro peltarius
- Ectemnius species
World distribution(GBIF)
Temporal change
Records submitted to Data Centre in 2025
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