Conservation status
Not Assessed
Species Biology
- Small species (body length of workers: 2.5-4mm)
- Head, thorax and abdomen blackish-brown in colour
- Could be confused with Lasius species, although the body shape resembles one of the Myrmica species and microscopic examination should be used in most cases
This species exhibits a wide-ranging diet which may include small, dead insects, honeydew from root aphids as well as various seeds.
A warmth-loving (thermophilous) species which in Ireland is associated with sand dunes and short, dry coastal turf in the south.
Flight period
Males typically emerge from late June and can be seen until August. The workers may be observed during the warmer months of the year, particularly between April-September.
Nesting biology
Nests are usually constructed in sandy soils with sparse vegetation or under stones and contain a single queen with up to 10,000 workers.
Similar species
- Other small, black ant species
World distribution(GBIF)
Irish distribution
This species is scarce in Ireland and is restricted to the coasts of counties Wicklow, Wexford, Waterford and Cork.
Temporal change
Records submitted to Data Centre in 2025
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