
Aeshna grandis | Brown Hawker | Seabhcaí Omrach



Conservation status

Ireland: Least Concern

EU: Least Concern

Widespread and often common in the midlands and northern counties, the species appears to have increased.

Native status


Species Biology


Length: 7.3cm

Wingspan: 10.2cm

Adult males and females have brown bodies and brown tinted wings with amber coloured veins. Males have blue dots along the abdomen and blue tinted eyes. Females have yellow dots along the abdomen and brown tinted eyes. Both sexes have yellow stripes either side of the thorax and small blue dots at the base of the wings. Brown-tinted wings in both sexes

Males and females look similar.

Adult habitat & habits

They are tireless fliers with distinct flight action of long glides interspersed with bursts of rapid, shallow wing-beats. Unwary of humans and other dragonflies, adults are approachable. Will fly after sunset if particularly warm, flies late in the day. 


Breeds in slow-moving water in lowland areas e.g.  ponds, marshes, rivers, canals, lakes, reedbeds. Lays eggs on floating vegetation or wood. Adults are found away from water, hunting in meadows, along hedgerows and woodland edges.

Flight period

June to September (occasionally May and/or October).


World distribution(GBIF)

Irish distribution

Common throughout much of central Ireland. Quite sparse in the south west and far north. Not found in upland areas above 200m.  

Temporal change

Records submitted to Data Centre in 2024

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